Cleaning, Healing and Empowerment
I dedicate this article to my friend and spiritual brother Victor Catalin as it was his idea to work in this way. The question was how to cause positive changes in a most efficient and simple way. Changes need two…
God and Goddess
The whole creation is built on the principle of analogy and with this we find the male and the female principle everywhere, even in the highest spheres and in the ideas about God. Male and female are qualities, states of…
The Symbolism of the Ankh and the Flute
I just want to give a few hints about the symbolism of the Ankh and the flute for your own research. The Ankh looks like a key or cross, the crux ansata. Independent from the Egyptian version we know today…
Materialistic Religion and Spiritual Freedom
A lot of things could be said or written about this topic and some things I have said already. I just want to point on a few aspects as a reminder that it is time to wake up. We all…
Calling on the inner god
When you examine a human being, then you can sense intelligence and memory in the whole body, in the whole human being but on different levels, with specific functions and specific feelings, emotions or qualities and powers. Using different words,…
Special Meditation for Love and Integration
Life is not easy these days as we have to face countless challenges and deep changes everywhere. These changes cause states of being out of order, being not integrated as the old order is gone and the new order is…
A Powerful Healing Technique
As we know there exist countless ways to heal someone or to treat yourself for healing. Healing means to restore balance, harmony and with this health. Healing takes place on the mental level, on the emotional level of the soul,…