Welcome to the Path of the Mystics!

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

after more than 3 months of full-time hard work and countless extra hours, I am happy to announce that our new platform for spiritual online courses is ready.

It is powered by our Sura Academy and is called “The Path of the Mystics”

The Path of the Mystics has a focus on the values of life, on wisdom, love, compassion, refinement of the soul and the realization of enlightenment.

We follow here the hermetic teachings and the three steps of the ancient Mystics: “Purification, Healing and Refinement.”

There is a growing number of online courses available which will cover all topics in theory and practice, so that a comprehensive and well-balanced spiritual development is ensured.

The unique features of our courses are the optimized offer of theory together with guided meditations for the practical training. In this way a better understanding and success in the training are realized. Additionally, we offer our members regular healing sessions, live online meetings, the discussion of special topics and more.

The basis for the conception of the courses and all other offers are 30 years of spiritual practice and full realization plus comprehensive studies in psychology, psychotherapy, coaching and management. This allows us to create high quality content for your benefits.

It is our mission to serve all seekers in their spiritual development worldwide. That is why our platform is multilingual and all courses will be translated into the major languages. As most students speak English, we first offer all courses in English and then the translations.

The three types of subscription allow everyone to become a member and to enjoy a free choice of courses.

Please have a look and join us at https://4mystics.org/

In love, light and service,

Ray del Sole