The central mystery of creation is the celebration of love. Love is the great happening where the two main poles, – the female and male principles unite, become one and create new life. All life origins from the state of…
Imagine a tree. The tree has roots in the ground to nourish it with water and vital substances from the earth. And the tree has a crown with branches and leaves in the sky. The leaves nourish the tree with…
Imagine that you go through so many incarnations where this or that happens, where you make wonderful experiences as well as traumatic ones. Bad experiences have often the effect that you lose something, something positive. Typical losses are the ability…
Besides several other approaches for understanding human beings I want to present one important approach which has empowering effects. We can understand human beings as mental-astral-physical structures which carry charges of mental, astral and physical energy. These charges have a…
We know spaces in form of rooms in a house or in different buildings or free spaces in nature. A space is the frame where something takes place. This we call situation. So we face a certain situation in a…
Imagine that the day has come which you have never thought about. It is time to leave this world. Time to die. And you are now in this process of separating yourself from your physical body. It is a moment…
When you are working on your soul mirrors, then you have to analyze yourself and to assign your characteristics to the four elements. In this way you become aware of the arrangement of the four elements in your soul. Which…
In the article about “the master” I have written about the characteristics of a true spiritual master and I have mentioned also a little bit about the tasks of the student to reach mastery. Here I want to give some…
This is a topic which I find fascinating to observe as religious teachings can be interpreted and used in the right, positive way or in a selfish way, adapted to the individual needs and wishes. So it happens that the…
This is true for the physical plane and everyone knows the difference between someone who eats healthy food and someone else who eats trash. In fact you consist of your food. I remember a nice documentary about Spanish pigs which…