When you are a spiritual seeker then you probably dream about enlightenment, unity with God and experiences which go beyond your human nature. And during your spiritual training you prepare yourself for this very special moment of experiencing God, of…
The main problem of human beings is that they suffer from the veils of Maya. This means that human beings are not aware of their true or higher nature and not about the higher planes of existence, etc. Due to…
I guess that this topic is quite interesting for spiritual seekers in general. The problem here is that normal people have no idea about the nature of God and with this no idea about the state of divine unity. Even…
Everyone who undergoes a real spiritual training has to face several side effects, good ones and really unpleasant ones, and the real effects of the training are often also not easy to manage respectively to integrate into everyday life. So…
In fact we have a real problem with the mystical training in general and in particular with the training schedule of Bardon. J. T. was so kind to make me aware of this. The general problem is that real, useful…
God has a diversity of virtues, of powers. A useful access to the understanding and worshipping of God is to perceive God in the four highest divine virtues of omnipotence, omniscience, all-embracing love and immortality, for example. But indeed these…
When you take a look at our world and how it works, how we work, then you probably notice that mankind is in main driven by money. For what do you work? Money. For what does a politician work? Money….
I think that it is useful to get some clarity about the nature of God, especially his virtues as we can see here, how important the idea is, to balance the microcosm with the macrocosm, to make the microcosm analogue…
I guess that it is time to talk about what it means to meet God, to unite with God. It is the tenth step of Bardon´s “Initiation into Hermetics” and also the whole third book about “The key to the…
Today I have an appointment with an angel. Not a human angel as you might think although I would have enjoyed such a meeting. But indeed there are some similarities between (female) angels in human appearance and the real spiritual…