The religion called science
A lot of people believe unconditionally in sciences. Science appears as absolute and someone who questions science seems to be ignorant and pitiful. Science has the image of absolute truth. And scientists appear like the high priests of former times….
Wonderful traps and misconceptions
From time to time I think about human ignorance, serious character flaws and destructive, evil behavior. Then I wonder about the right way to perceive it, this human ugliness. Many of such people are unconscious about their appearance, about their…
Witnessing the birth of a new religion
Regarding religions we always look back into historical times where no one has any direct connection. There is no father or grandpa you can ask how it was when the founder of a new religion or tradition made his first…
A new religion is born
Sometimes it can be useful to act a little bit “evil” with the hope to awaken some sleepers. Satire is a very good tool for this. I hope you forgive me for the following satire. And I hope that this…
The cult of Papa S.
In the year 2251 archeologists make a great discovery. They find fascinating artifacts about an ancient cult, probably a strange sect, maybe with Christian roots. It is called soon the cult of Papa S. According to the discoveries the single…
Why good is not always good
There are a lot of people who proclaim to be good, to have a big heart, to do good things, etc. Indeed most people want to appear as “good”. There is nearly no one who proclaims “Yes, I am evil…