The Meaning of Bhakti for spiritual development
Bhakti is an Indian term which means spiritual love and devotion, also true dedication to God (and the master who unveils the Divine to the student). This aspect of love is unfortunately often not really understood nor really developed in…
Enlightenment and then?
Imagine you incarnate here on earth. You grow. You go to school. You learn about the world, about religions and traditions. One day you feel a great desire to follow the spiritual path. Maybe you become a Yogi, maybe a…
What the past reveals
Imagine you go to a past-life-therapist, maybe for curiosity, maybe for research to understand yourself better or maybe for healing of problems. You make a first session where you discover yourself in a life in France. From this life you…
The universal steps of spiritual development
When you examine the development of a flower from a small seed to a full-grown, flourishing plant you can notice certain steps of development, – milestones on the way to maturity. There is a state of being a seed in…
The nature of God and Humans
In life there comes a point where you ask yourself if God does really exist and if he does how he looks like. There exists a great variety of answers to these questions, – in parts really strange ones but…
The universal religion
We have many apparently different religions and spiritual traditions here on earth. The origin of them all is the universal or cosmic religion. It is comparable with a flower which has many blossoms but it is still one flower. Some…
About the consciousness of children
When you examine the behavior of children then you notice that their mind is in a different state than the mind of adults. This is especially true for little children. When they come into puberty it starts changing. Let´s have…
The “good” Satanist
I have written already quite much about Satanism. Originally I wanted to publish a book with the title “The good Satanist” as an unveiling persiflage on the satanic activities from which we all suffer worldwide. Today I just want to…
Some aspects of the magical equilibrium
Somehow life is all about balancing and the magical equilibrium is the highest aspect of it. I think a good and easy approach to this topic is physics. When you take a pencil and balance it on your finger or…