Supporting the Sura Academy with zazzle
Dear friends and fellows of the Sura Academy, I am happy to present the first goods with the Sura logo in our own zazzle shop: Please check out Ray del Sole´s shop for real Suras On the one hand it…
The meaning of power
Power is a very interesting topic and very important to understand. Today people often do not like power. They even fear power and somehow if possible they would enjoy making it disappear. The consequences of this attitude, we can see…
Aton, St. James and the scallop
This might be only a little secret. Nevertheless I want to explain it as it contains beauty. In Europe, we have the so-called Way of St. James. This pilgrimage path leads from many different places in several countries to the…
Pokémon Go – today´s strategy for progress?
A lot of people have thought about how to move the masses for accomplishing higher steps of awareness and enlightenment. The dark side uses all kinds of ideas and events which cause fears and suffering. The light side offers teachings…
Titles and changes
This is maybe more a personal observation and everyone can certainly think of the topic as they like. Recently, I have read coincidently about amazing titles which are still in use in many secret societies. Besides the normal titles like…
Origins of the diverse religions and spiritual traditions
It seems that we have a lot of different religions and spiritual traditions today. At school, you learn only a few things about what they believe, what kind of rituals they have and who has founded them. So in fact,…