Supporting the Sura Academy with zazzle

Dear friends and fellows of the Sura Academy,

I am happy to present the first goods with the Sura logo in our own zazzle shop: Please check out Ray del Sole´s shop for real Suras

On the one hand it is nice and good to have something, maybe like T-Shirt or a keychain with the Logo of our Academy. It is a simple matter of identification and community. On the other hand the small gains help to finance the Academy. Real donations are certainly much more useful but here you get something directly back.

In general the rule is simple:

The better the financing of the Sura Academy is, the better will be service and support.

The more you can give, the more you can receive.

I hope you enjoy the things on zazzle!

You are certainly welcome to send me an email with your suggestions for further goods and designs.

Thank you,

Ray del Sole