Spiritual Healing – make your own first experiences for free!
Approximately all two weeks on a Sunday, I will offer a free spiritual healing session for those who want to test it. As the number of participants is limited to 21 persons, it is highly recommended to make early your…
the hypophysis and the raja chakra
We have two very important glands in the brain. It is the pineal gland and the hypophysis. The pineal gland is super important for spiritual experiences, ecstasy, enlightenment, for being able to switch the perception to the higher worlds, third…
The pineal gland & core-self healing
The pineal gland plays a major role in all spiritual traditions and it is connected to the third eye. In the Indian teachings, the pineal gland is also known as the blue pearl, the core of the self, which is…
Important vitamins for your training
The spiritual training is quite demanding as all exercises cause changes in mind and soul and the energy system in general. This means among many other things that high quality nourishment is very important to provide all necessary vital substances…
Die Tempelritter und die Heilung durch den Geist
Der Orden der Tempelritter ist von vielen Mythen und Legenden umgeben. Über eines seiner interessantesten Geheimnisse wird aber nicht gesprochen, da es vielen einfach unbekannt ist. Die ersten Templer fuhren nach Jerusalem, in die Heilige Stadt, um offiziell die Pilger…
The Knights Templar´s Art of Healing
The Knights Templar are a mysterious order for sure. There are a lot of legends about their secrets. One special secret I want to reveal today. It is not about physical treasures or spiritual teachings. It is about healing which…
A few Words about Spiritual Healing
Today when you are ill you go to a doctor and the doctor gives you some meds. If these meds do not help you go again to the doctor and you get different meds. If they do not help you,…
Hints for dealing with negative influences
Dipl. Ing.