The longing for the end of the world
Simplified said, – half of the world is waiting of its end, for the apocalypse. The problem is that people are waiting for too long already. Imagine that you are waiting for your favorite celebrity from Hollywood. A famous anchor…
Rewiring for change
When we look at our world, at society, the human community, then we see a mountain of problems and things which are going wrong. Mankind and society are ill, seriously ill, deadly ill. But everything is maintained as it has…
Ideology versus reality
When I was a young teenager at the secondary school, I thought that people are open for logical arguments and with this for the best solutions for all the problems mankind must face. And so, I thought that we just…
The sleeping evil
In religious teachings we can often find not only nice or good messages but also really evil parts. People, who have an emphasize on the emotional level with a tendency to neglect the intellect, easily forget about the evil aspects…
The perfect victim
In these days “Big Brother” is very busy with observation, control and manipulation. There are people who are perfect victims while others are not easily to manipulate. According to the law of polarity, we can differentiate between two main personalities….
The Casting
Imagine that you are the director of a new movie. In every movie there are some bad guys, some good guys, important guys and some for minor roles. And it is your job to do the casting, to find the…
Institutions for assisted thinking
What do you think about an institution which assists you in thinking? How would you feel? Would you welcome such an institution as you can save precious energy for own research, own studies and own thoughts about topics? Would you…
Information versus experience
People enjoy mixing up information with belief, opinions, knowledge and experiences. Today we have a lot of information. The vast pool of information expands daily. The problem is that there is no real differentiation in regard of quality, sense and…