Replacing religions
Today, we are so used to our present situation that we cannot imagine any real changes. So, when you are a Christian, then your parents and forefathers have been Christians already. If you are a Moslem or a Jew or…
Being a politician
Let´s imagine that you are a “typical” politician. You love to talk a lot and you enjoy being emotional in your blazing speeches. You like the fights with the politicians of the other parties. Life feels good. You get a…
The irony of society´s worldview today
Officially, we live in times where people are proud of their high level of education, where modern sciences can explain everything, – from the big bang to the composition of complex molecules. Everything is possible. We can do video calls…
About self-defense
All beings have the natural right to defend themselves against aggressors. And normally all beings are able to do so. But as usual, the human being is the great exception. I don´t want to talk about all the misery of…
Capitalism, Socialism, Communism…
It seems that we have the choice how we want to manage society and life. It is like doing experiments with society on a large scale. While some countries try capitalism, others try communism, etc. Fascinating is that independent from…
Walking away
For all human conflicts it takes two parties with different interests and perceptions of reality. Normally humans are conditioned to fight with each other, so that one party wins and gets into control of the other one and with this…