The A. H. Mentality
I find the A. H. Mentality somehow annoying, really bad. It is important for every spiritual student to understand this mindset and its consequences and so I want to put some light on it. The A. H. Mentality is an…
The meaning of power
Power is a very interesting topic and very important to understand. Today people often do not like power. They even fear power and somehow if possible they would enjoy making it disappear. The consequences of this attitude, we can see…
Pokémon Go – today´s strategy for progress?
A lot of people have thought about how to move the masses for accomplishing higher steps of awareness and enlightenment. The dark side uses all kinds of ideas and events which cause fears and suffering. The light side offers teachings…
Titles and changes
This is maybe more a personal observation and everyone can certainly think of the topic as they like. Recently, I have read coincidently about amazing titles which are still in use in many secret societies. Besides the normal titles like…
Personality cult and neuroses
When you observe the esoteric and religious scene, then you meet quite often forms of personality cult. Personality cult satisfies the needs of many followers and also the needs of the involved person. But it is unhealthy. Let´s put some…
About good and bad III
For CIRCES. Love is our religion. Love is the only religion. In this third part of the topic “good and bad”, I want to talk about the aspect of the spiritual evolution of the soul and the problem that we…
About Good and Bad II
For CIRCES. May the Divine Love and Wisdom blossom in the hearts of men. In my first article about good and bad, I have described this topic in a general way. Today I want to focus on the human microcosm…