Learning and change processes
This is a very important topic that spiritual students and everyone else need to understand. The whole spiritual training is about learning and changing. And so, it is useful to spread some light on these processes. Learning means basically to…
Positions in life
The title sounds strange but you will understand quickly what I am talking about. We can say that there are four main positions in life which you can take: The normal human position of imbalance The human position of extreme…
Using concentration for self-healing
What is the simplest technique for healing yourself? The use of concentration. Everyone can do this. A student on the spiritual path with good knowledge about the occult anatomy (Chakras and Nadis and their connection with organs and the functions…
Hints for beginners
In short: All exercises should be designed in a way that they are interesting, fascinating, fun, motivating, varying. Give yourself time. And I highly recommend to make a Haritaki treatment directly from the start to support the development of higher…
The development of the ego
We can say that the so-called ego is on the one hand the solar plexus center, ruling the belt of emotions and on the other hand it is a specific state of several chakras respectively of mind and soul. And…
New books released – Light on the path to spiritual perfection
Dear fellows, I have published four new books in my series “Light on the path to spiritual perfection – Additional Articles VIII – XI”. You can get them on Lulu and soon as ebooks on amazon. In these books you…
Working with the elements
When you start to work with the four elements in Bardon´s training, you can use eventually a special technique which might help you. In the normal case, you simply do your best to imagine the sensations of heat, cold, lightness…
Reason and Intuition
Reason /logic / intellect and intuition are the two poles of one polarity. The intellect works like a computer and is useful for analysis and synthesis, for mathematics, for rational operations. The intuition is in first place perception of things…
Charging the bedroom
This is an experiment which you can do if you like. Charge your bedroom with the air element. And then check how you sleep. Second experiment: Charge your bedroom with the air element and add also the Akasha element to…
The laws and life
Creation is built on laws but the laws have no own will and no own intention. Let´s take an example for a better understanding. Everyone knows Lego bricks. These bricks have been designed according specific laws in specific colors, seize…