At the cinema
Probably everyone has been at a cinema in his life. And in fact, we are all permanently in our personal cinema. Imagine you are watching a movie in a cinema. Where are you? Your physical body sits in a seat,…
God, good, evil and super evil
The human species is absolutely fascinating. I can imagine that aliens would fill whole zoos with human beings to show their children how funny, illogical and strange humans are. Humans have indeed a great entertainment quality. One fascinating topic deals…
How you can change the world
It is an old topic of discussions. How can a single person change the world? How can a few people change the world? The first impulse is to say “Never! Not at all! How should it be possible?!” A different…
What is the worst punishment for evil people?
It is quite simple. Certainly you could think about a diversity of penal measures but the best one is this: clearing of heart and crown chakra then reconnecting to the divine spirit reanimation of the conscience integration of compassion integration…
What the past reveals
Imagine you go to a past-life-therapist, maybe for curiosity, maybe for research to understand yourself better or maybe for healing of problems. You make a first session where you discover yourself in a life in France. From this life you…