The main two states of mind
A normal human being knows only the normal state of mind and has no idea about the special state of mind of an enlightened human being. For a better understanding of this topic I want to compare these two states…
The selfish misuse of religious teachings
This is a topic which I find fascinating to observe as religious teachings can be interpreted and used in the right, positive way or in a selfish way, adapted to the individual needs and wishes. So it happens that the…
You are what you eat
This is true for the physical plane and everyone knows the difference between someone who eats healthy food and someone else who eats trash. In fact you consist of your food. I remember a nice documentary about Spanish pigs which…
Psychopathology and “Psychomysticology”
Psychopathology describes in a scientific way the problems and diseases of mind and soul. The behavior which differs from a normal human level is defined as unnormal, ill, as a disorder. So psychopathology deals with all negative aspects of behavior,…
Special technique for autohypnosis and trance
Nearly all techniques in the spiritual training require a form of hypnosis or trance or hypnotic trance. Certainly you can call it as you like. The important point is always to withdraw your perception/mind from the outer world and to…