It seems that we have the choice how we want to manage society and life. It is like doing experiments with society on a large scale. While some countries try capitalism, others try communism, etc. Fascinating is that independent from…
For all human conflicts it takes two parties with different interests and perceptions of reality. Normally humans are conditioned to fight with each other, so that one party wins and gets into control of the other one and with this…
We human beings are very limited in everything, especially in understanding ourselves, others, life itself and the path which we take. This general lack of understanding includes also the problem of making good decisions. Which decisions are appropriate in certain…
The central mystery of creation is the celebration of love. Love is the great happening where the two main poles, – the female and male principles unite, become one and create new life. All life origins from the state of…
It makes sense to start with the insight that several types of love exist. When we talk about the love between two human beings, then we basically have the unconditional love “I love you as you are and do not…
Simplified said, – half of the world is waiting of its end, for the apocalypse. The problem is that people are waiting for too long already. Imagine that you are waiting for your favorite celebrity from Hollywood. A famous anchor…
“Detachment” is a trend topic like “mindfulness meditation”. It is good to take a closer look. The problem which we humans permanently face is that we get easily attached to all kinds of happenings, emotions, thoughts, etc. in life. Positive…
Bardon puts a focus on the development of will power. We can say that many skills are simply attained by a highly developed will power and the repeated application of it in the training. So, the focus does not lie…
Mindfulness practice is like a mega trend for some years. It is praised as a super key for wellbeing and spiritual practice. I want to bring it back to the level where it belongs from my point of view. Mindfulness…
The differentiation between quality and power (quantity) is a key of wisdom which the magician needs to understand and to use in all his operations. Let´s take a simple example. You charge your room with vital energy. Vital energy is…