The trap of tradition
We live in a very special time as in our days for the first time of maybe some thousands of years the absolute and universal peak knowledge about God, the human being, the spiritual evolution and creation has been revealed…

Meditation on the Cosmic Letters (Franz Bardon´s Quabbalah Training)
Dear fellows, the quabbalistic training is a science and art. The instructions for the mystical preliminary training must be clear if you want to be successful. Unfortunately the translations and comments of publishers are misleading as they contain errors and…

Selbsthypnose für Franz Bardons Weg zum wahren Adepten
Lieber Leser, ich freue mich heute mein Buch über Selbsthypnose auch in deutscher Übersetzung zu veröffentlichen. Das Buch gibt es nun in 3 Sprachen. Möge es den Schülern von unserem Meister Franz Bardon im deutschsprachigen Raum auf ihrem Weg dienen!…
Great projects on SURA
SURA´s four big projects for the next months/years: 1. The development of a high quality spiritual knowledge bank 2. The development of a high quality spiritual education system based on Bardon 3. The development of a study book based on…
Mystical Training for Bardon´s IIH
Students of Bardon have complained that somehow the mystical side of the training is missing. And indeed Bardon refered for his students to other authors like Dr. Lomer for mystical exercises, thoughts and meditations. There are some good reasons for…
Webinars & spiritual education at SURA-ITF
Spiritual education is a big topic of SURA-ITF. Foreseen is a comprehensive, high standard education based on real experience and latest knowledge. The aim is to support spiritual seekers in best way for real progress. We have a great need…
Working with the spirits of the spheres
Franz Bardon has published the most comprehensive work about the beings which care for the perfect function of creation. It is an amazing work to study in theory and much more when you can do it in practice. The beings,…
What is so unique about SURA-ITF?
There are many spiritual movements worldwide, many charity organizations and altruistic projects. SURA-ITF is different. It is not one among many others. It is unique. The concept is unique. Some decades ago the initiate Franz Bardon has unveiled how our…
Autohypnosis for Franz Bardon´s Initiation into Hermetics
For the genuine spiritual seeker: This book provides the theory and practice of autohypnosis for the ten steps of IIH with all abilities and qualities of the future magician. Further on it contains very important and recommended additional hypnotic suggestions…
For Sura Academy Members: The Student Version of Bardon´s Teachings
Meanwhile I have worked out more than 1500 pages of teachings for the Sura Academy to support training and development on a high quality level. My latest work is a new and most authentic translation of IIH which includes over…