About light and darkness in the human world
Light and darkness belong to the principle of duality and can be found everywhere in creation. Fascinating is that there are people and organizations which proclaim to be right, good and perfect. Indeed all organizations proclaim for themselves to be…
Parasitism, domination and slavery – it´s time for changes
Long, long ago there were kings who ruled over countries and people and this was quite normal and okay. The kings proclaimed to descend from gods and because of this they had a kind of superior nature and also superior…
The meaning of freedom for SURA-ITF membership
Freedom is one of the highest values for human beings and it is one of the highest values for spiritual seekers. Freedom is a natural right of beings. Unfortunately freedom is not given under really and always given under the…
SURA – The International Theistic Federation
I come from the spiritual realms and I have dedicated my life to the spiritual journey. I have sacrificed a lot for my spiritual progress to gain wisdom and enlightenment, to unite with God in all his virtues, to understand…