This is an experiment which you can do if you like. Charge your bedroom with the air element. And then check how you sleep. Second experiment: Charge your bedroom with the air element and add also the Akasha element to…
Bardon was great in hiding very important topics in subordinate clauses, touching the topic only with 2-3 words and leaving it up to the student to discover how precious the topic really is. Most students simply overlook such hints as…
Creation is built on laws but the laws have no own will and no own intention. Let´s take an example for a better understanding. Everyone knows Lego bricks. These bricks have been designed according specific laws in specific colors, seize…
It is very trivial, but most people do not have the idea to help themselves with a simple meditation when they are suffering from an imbalance. When we experience a state of imbalance then we often have too much of…
Once there were the big ocean and the coast. The coast was open to the ocean and the ocean was able to flood the coast. With the high tides, the water of the ocean run landwards, creating pools in different…
This saying is well-known. If we want something, we need to take effort to get it. If we want something special, then we need to take big effort and this can come along with “pains”, with going beyond the comfort…
Training makes perfect. This eternal wisdom is the key for progress in general, valid for sports, arts and the spiritual development. The development of new skills, new powers or new qualities is based on simply physics or metaphysics, simple laws…