Creation is completely based on mathematical-physical principles, – on the Tetragrammaton like Bardon would say respectively on the tretrapolar magnet, the principle of polarity. This means that you cannot escape the principle of polarity. Polarity has several levels, – from…
The main polarity of creation are the poles of fire and water. It is the first polarity which is born from the state of unity. Fire and water as a polarity are also most important to respect in the spiritual…
Recently I had to face again wonderful half-truths about the principle of polarity – like everything is equal, everything one and black and white are simply the same. This is all nonsense and I want to put some light on…
Like Bardon says, everything is so simple. The problem is just to understand simplicity as we are conditioned to think in complex ways. The examination of the principle of polarity is a useful way to understand all kinds of phenomena…