The training schedule

On the one hand, it seems quite easy to set up a useful training plan. On the other hand, the complexity can be overwhelming. So, I want to spread some light on this topic.

The whole training consists of you, the training plan and the goals which you want to realize with the training. This is basically important to understand.

So first of all you need to know which goals you follow, the big goals and the smaller goals which are derived from the big ones. It is like a destination with milestones. When you focus only on the destination itself and the journey takes years and more, then your motivation will collapse easily. But when you focus on the first milestone and then on the second one, you will be able to make it. Many small aims are easier to realize than one big aim. And if you have no aim at all, you will wandering around like a fool, getting nowhere and not knowing if you take the right way. In conclusion, the first question you need to answer is: What is my highest goal? And what are the subordinated smaller goals (milestones) which bring me to my destination? (By the way, goals should make sense to you personally. Law of analogy.)

The answers will show you a map for your journey. It is the basic structure for your training schedule.

Now, this is all nice, but what about you? You are the main person in this adventure and you must be ready for it. If not, it makes no sense. And if you are only “half-ready”, then the journey will make you suffer. The results will also be not satisfying. And with this, your whole journey will probably end too soon. It is like being a couch potato with the idea to climb now the Kilimanjaro.

For the seeker this means that there can be personal issues of mind, soul or physical health or also of the situation in life which first need to be addressed, healed, cleared, empowered, etc. to make you free for your journey. If you wear big iron chains, you can not run fast. So you need to get rid of all what is blocking you and you need to get fit.

When you have taken good care about yourself and your goals, then you can focus on the training schedule. Let´s assume that you want to walk the universal path. Besides this system of exercises and milestones, there are many other systems of training. Students are tempted to mix teachings, ideas and exercises in a way they like without asking if this mix can serve their progress. In most cases, it is an unhealthy mix of different concepts which do not fit together. The main problem here is that the training gets too complex and the student spreads his energies instead of focusing them. If you want to be successful, then you need to focus all your energy on one goal (or a very small number of goals, for example one goal for mental training, one for the soul and one for the physical body.) Otherwise, you get anywhere.

Now, there are the main exercises, then there are extra exercises of a great diversity and there are supportive exercises which can help you to manage the main ones. This is important to understand. Extra exercises are arbitrary. They take your time and energy but they do not help you directly to reach your goal or your next milestone. Additional, supportive exercises can help you to master your main exercises in a more efficient way which will save time and effort and which will offer faster progress. But in the end, only the main exercises will decide if you move on or not as they are mandatory. When you use this key, then you can create a good, functional training schedule. But do not forget that all your training should be fascinating and fun, – motivating for you.

The last important key for success is that you should do all your exercises with purpose. We know stupid and boring training in fitness studios. It is boring because it has no real purpose. It is just training to increase power, power without specific sense. If you do training on dancing, then you train your power and your dancing skills and this makes fun. It makes sense.

The same is true with the spiritual training. When you do concentration exercises or energy breathing work, then you should add a useful intention, a command or purpose to it. Then the produced energy will do something of value. It will support your development.

For example, you can use energy to activate, strengthen, refine, unfold specific virtues, powers, skills. Certainly, the law of analogy must be respected. Source, energy and goal must be analogue.

When you regard these hints, then you can create an efficient training schedule where you walk from milestone to milestone to reach your destination in the end.

Unfortunately, most students do no respect these things and then wonder why they do not finish successfully the first step.