(Please read first my blog about the International Association for the Support of Positive Values)


1. Present situation
A lot of changes have taken place in the last hundred years in life, society, tradition, religion, business and the personal attitude towards humans and creation. These changes meant technical progress but came along with big problems in all fields of life. Original, high values have been lost in this process which has caused a lot of suffering. People have lost their positive orientation in life, – values, virtues and positive laws for a vital, healthy and happy social interaction.

2. Aims
The association has the aim to reintegrate positive values and virtues into life and to orientate on the natural laws of creation and human life (which are already reflected in the positive values).
The more this orientation on high values is accomplished, the more peace, happiness, health, harmony, etc. can unfold in life for the benefit of all.
In a first step everyone can integrate positive values in his own personality, behavior and life.
In a second step positive values can be realized together, with others, in families, communities, – everywhere, where people meet and cooperate or live together.
In a third step like-minded people can take positive influence on all aspects of society, of business, tradition, culture, religion, etc. Positive changes for the benefit of all can be realized.

3. Further aims
As it is an international movement, in every country and every city like-minded people shall meet for activities, sharing of experiences and free cooperation. So this gathering of good souls takes place on a local level, on a national level and on an international level. Thanks to the worldwide web we all can connect and share high values together. In this way precious sharing of knowledge, of culture, of all good things indeed can take place, so that true friendship worldwide is growing and the idea of mankind as one great family can unfold step by step.
Love and understanding are what we need to build bridges among the different peoples worldwide to focus on the real values in life. Only together we can realize positive changes. And there is much we can learn from each other.

4. Requirements for members
There are no real requirements for membership. Everyone is welcome if it is his wish to orientate on positive, high values and to integrate them into his life, – for his benefit and the benefit of his fellow men and creation.
Perfection in the implementation of positive values cannot be expected but an honest orientation and the personal effort to integrate them into the own personality and behavior as good as possible. This is certainly a more or less long process.
Expected is also the willingness for meeting kind, like-minded people, for sharing experiences, for friendship, for taking part in free activities and meetings and for international friendship, etc.
A small membership fee (depending on personal life conditions) is required to finance the organization, meetings and activities. People who cannot pay fees get a free membership.
Membership ends at the free decision of a member or if a member does not follow positive values or if it hurts the community with unbearable bad behavior.

5. Organization
Local communities can be built by everyone according to the ideas of this association. These communities have to register at the international head organization, so that they get access to the internet community. A second way is the direct registration at the internet community where later fellows from one location can gather and organize local meetings.
The organization is structured according to the three levels – local community, national community and international community. For all levels someone is needed for administration. The responsible persons can be elected in a democratically way. The whole organization structure is transparent and can be accessed by every member.
Ray del Sole as the initiator of this association keeps the directive power and the international management.
Activities, events and meetings will be discussed in a transparent way, so that solutions and decisions can be traced and comprehended by all members. All activities take place by free decisions of the members. All activities have to be orientated on high values to realize positive results.
Until own websites are created, we gather and meet in the corresponding facebook group. Please contact Ray del Sole on facebook for friendship and the invitation into the group.

6. Activities
Regular meetings are useful to discuss values, virtues, laws of creation, problems and solutions for the implementation of values into life and to speak about own experiences, progress, failures, techniques, etc. Meetings are good for inspiration, for making new friends, for cooperation, for all positive social interactions and at last certainly for administration topics and planning of further activities like events, etc.
All activities depend on the own needs and wishes of the local communities or on higher purposes like national or international meetings and events.