About stories and storytelling

Today I want to share some thoughts about the countless stories which are circulating especially in our times. It is important to take a deeper look on them.

In the former times we just had fairy tales, legends, holy books and texts about historical events. Today we have a lot of so-called “theories” and “facts”, rumors, opinions, propaganda, wild stories, conspiracy theories, disclosures, conscious disinformation and so on. Indeed we have much more fun than our ancestors.

People love stories, especially stories which you see at the theatres in form of movies or blockbusters. Science fiction, phantasy, magic, love stories, dramas, adventures, etc. and in best case everything is mixed together.

Stories have a great entertaining effect. They are fascinating. They occupy mind and soul. And they can distract us from other things which might be more important or simply true. Stories can work like brainwashing. They can change our attitude, our thinking and feeling about something. Stories can have a great impact on behavior and our actions. Stories are gift boxes which cover a certain message, a certain intention or a certain power with specific effects. Stories can consciously be used as tools to achieve specific goals. And quite often stories are just something which feeds the own ego, the ego of the storyteller.

Unfortunately people are more than willing to believe everything without questioning at all. Especially in the case that “a scientist has discovered” or “it is proved now that” or “the very important person XY said” and so on.

Today is so much nonsense everywhere, so much disinformation that it is more than amazing. I don´t want to go into details here but I beg everyone to use his brain and heart to check the stories, to question them.

Ask yourself which message is hidden in the story. Ask yourself which intention has the storyteller to publish his story. Ask yourself which aims he follows. Ask yourself who benefits from the story. Ask yourself which effects and changes the story produces and who is concerned. Ask about the sources of the story. And certainly check what others say, what stories they tell about the same topic. At last or maybe directly check if the story is logical at all.

The funny thing is that stories are often in parts or completely illogical but people do not question this.

If you can discover the nonsense then it can have great entertainment effects. But so many people are not able to differentiate and so the stories cause so much bad effects.

Indeed there are so many lies about history, the human being, creation, etc.

May this serve as a well-meant hint to protect you from traps.