The bliss of Maha Ganga

In India the big river Ganges is known as a very holy water, – the realm of the Goddess Maha Ganga. For all believers it is a “must have” to take ritual baths in this river to wash off bad karma and to receive the blessings from Maha Ganga.

You can do the same. You can take part in the great happiness and healing which the Goddess offers. Her energy represents the holy, spiritual aspects of the water element. There are two access points with different qualities. You can take a bath in the realms of Maha Ganga in the North near the mountains. There you can experience the higher spiritual blessings, – the mental-spiritual aspects. And when you take a bath more in the south, then you can experience her astral blessings, – the plane of the soul – a deep watery happiness, comforting and healing.

I recommend certainly both. Make a research and watch some photos of the Ganges and Maha Ganga to get in touch with her realms. Then take your asana, relax and imagine that you are at the Ganges, that you step down to the water and taking a long bath. Dive into the water, swim in it and enjoy! Thank Maha Ganga for all her love and blessings, for healing your wounds, for comforting you, for cleaning you from the dirt of life.

You can do this meditation very good in the evening when you are already in your bed for sleep. The water element of Maha Ganga will provide a good sleep, deep relaxation and recovering for mind, soul and body.

The water element of Maha Ganga is perfect to balance all the stress and high activity of today.
