Unholy human assumptions

Some time ago and recently again I came across painful but at the same time typical human behavior with really bad effects. It is fasci-nating to examine such human patterns and how they can easily cause massive damage.
I talk here about the work of translators of books of Bardon and comments in such translations.
The pattern is quite simple. There is a translator or publisher who has the idea (why?) that he is an expert in the field of hermetic teachings or maybe also an expert regarding Bardon. This idea exists on a subconscious level, so it does not need any proof. This means it is already sufficient to have read some books about hermetic topics. It does not include any deeper intellectual understanding and no practical experiences. Nevertheless, the translator or publisher “feels” that he is an expert. For some incomprehensible reason such a person even “feels” superior in his understanding of the hermetic science than Bardon. Maybe it is because he is able to read books and to compare their contents on the basis of his own opinions. Now such a guy reads something in Bardon´s books and thinks “Oh, this must be wrong!” And because he is the translator or publisher, he feels responsible to take care about this mistake. One option is that he directly changes the presumed “mistake” into the “correct” ver-sion according to his opinion. The second option is to make a state-ment “Bardon is wrong here! And as we all know, Bardon made a lot of mistakes.” The third version is to make a statement that obviously some mistakes happened during the translation/publishing process because some instructions cannot be right and that only the mature student will understand how to correct it.
Another wonderful pattern especially of translators is to change things as they like. This is also a matter of subconscious, irrational behavior.
Imagine that you have bought a technical device which is very diffi-cult in its use. Now you have the original instructions which explain in details how you can set up your device and you are supposed to work with it for best results. So far everything is good. But unfortu-nately there are a translator and a publisher who think that they are smarter than the engineer who has developed the device and who has written the instructions. The publisher does not believe every-thing in the instructions and also the translator thinks that there are mistakes. In consequence they make their changes and also warn about mistakes. The translator further on skips some terms, changes some others and invents some new. The translator and the publisher are happy about the great service in correcting the mistakes in the instructions. Only the consumer who wants to work with the device wonders why things do not work as they are supposed to do. Unfor-tunately, the user has no idea what is wrong as he believes in the correctness of the instructions.
And this is exactly what happens with “nice” corrections of Bardon´s “mistakes” and “warnings” about wrong content.
The human nature is really amazing and human ignorance seems to be limitless. If the consequences weren´t so painful, it would be good for making jokes.
The second problem are those readers who naturally lack of under-standing the matter as they just started with the studies. They be-lieve that publisher, translator, etc. know what they are doing and saying, even if it is absolutely not the case.
In the end I can only say “Welcome to the Dark Side!”
It is an unholy pattern of mankind to put dirt on everything which is bright, pure and white in its nature. Everything must get dirty in this world.
In conclusion, we must be really careful with such things and we have to try to understand what the author, – Bardon originally meant. The dirt must be cleaned.