SURA-ITF Project: Supporting Tardif to heal people in Africa

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Tardif is a professional healer with a bright education in the traditional use of herbs and in Chinese Medicine, especially Acupuncture. He is the representative of our organization in Cameroon, a good friend and spiritual brother with high ideals. So far he is working as a teacher in his country and offers healing treatments for free to his suffering fellow men in his spare time. His great dream is to start a real holistic working clinic to help his people in a much better and more comprehensive way than now.

As you know everything in life costs money and so far the realization of his heart´s desire failed just because the necessary amount for investments wasn´t available. It is not much what he need. With around 1500 Dollars he is able to give it a first start and in best case he gets around 3000 Dollars to set everything in a most effizient way. We discussed this problem and came to the conclusion to create a crowdfunding for Tardif to realize his dream. It is not limited by time and Tardif will receive all donations monthly to do the necessary investments.

Now imagine that in Africa people are often so poor that they have not five or less Dollars to buy medicine or go to a doctor for healing. In fact they rather die. Imagine this! To have to die just because you have not around five Dollars!

So please support us, support Tardif to make his dream come true and to help the suffering people in Africa!

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Every donation counts. Already the smallest donation is good and useful!

Tardif, Falco and I are very grateful for your help and support! And think of the people who are healed by Tardif thanks to your donations. Imagine how grateful they are that you were so kind to donate!

Please share the website and information with all good people to realize this altruistic project!

Thank you, Ray

Here is the information of the funding page. You can read what Tardif says:

“Hello, my name is Tardif and my heart´s desire is to start a Holistic Traditional Medicine Clinic to help my suffering fellow men in Africa.

You know, the people of Africa and my country (Cameroon) are very poor. Many people are not able to pay five dollars or less to buy a drug to save their lives. With this in mind, I left for China in the year 2005 to learn Chinese medicine and assist the people of Africa with cheap and affordable alternative medicine and acupuncture. Since my return from China in 2008, I have been teaching children but I have not had the financial means to open a small clinic to help the people, however, I think it is possible for me to realize my dream clinic now through the kind support of you. I am calling you all to rally behind me and I promise that I will be successful. What you donate is going into good hands and many lives can be saved thanks to your compassion and support.

My clinic will start small but will grow step by step to cover a wider spectrum of good treatments. Already 1500 Dollars will be a first start to help people successfully. The more donations I receive by your good will and generosity the better I can treat diseases. So please help me to raise the amount of 3500 Dollars for most efficient treatments in my country. Please help to reduce the suffering of my people!

Thanks to your support I will be able to rent a small apartment for the clinic and equip it. A number of indispensable herbs and drugs will be bought from China additionally to those from Cameroon and those which I have been collecting personally in the fields. I will buy acupuncture needles and a few acupuncture machines and acquire a small piece of land where I will cultivate medicinal plants.

Further Help: I am asking for assistance to create a free website as such dedicated to this clinic. Please understand that I have limited access to the internet. So it can take sometimes weeks until I am able to get in touch with you.”

(For more information please contact me (Falco). I can connect you directly to Tardif for support, questions and further help. All support is highly appreciated and we both are more than grateful to witness the realization of his heart´s desire. Certainly you can receive the latest news about the progress of his clinic and you can get messages from his thankful clients. Please send me your details and pictures for the donation website of his clinic. We are happy to present you there and to show his clients who made it possible to get healing treatments.)

Here are some further information about Tardif:


I had learnt herbs from my late father (1939-1991) since childhood. Therefore, since childhood I had prepared herbal tinctures to heal the sick. With the knowledge I acquired in China (2005-2008), I enriched what I had known since childhood to a better level. Since my return from China in 2008 I have been healing the sick (neighbor, friend, colleague, family member) with better results than ever before. Therefore, I think in an established clinic many more people will be treated and much good done.


I am a Teacher by profession. I love the art of healing so I have taken up time to learn about herbs and acupuncture. After teaching children in school, I will spend my free time in healing the sick. This can be a friend, neighbor, colleague or a family member. This is often with an herb, acupuncture or just a simple touch.


Love sports especially football. Love to acquire knowledge by reading literature and novels. Have strong love for wisdom and spirit growth through meditations eastern and western. Love to learn about all religions and travelling geographical and natural touristic sites.