Against social isolation – a call for more human interaction

We are currently experiencing a period of social isolation. It’s against our nature. We need the togetherness, the encounter with other people, the conversations, the laughter together. We need the embrace of friends and all the people we love. Social proximity is an important basis for our life, for our well-being, our health.
The so-called “social distancing” is unhealthy. It is unbearable. While some people can deal with it more or less well, there are many people who suffer a lot from it.
“Social Distancing” has the effect of withdrawal of love. One is treated cold and distanced. One is forced to treat others coldly and distantly, even those one loves. The human warmth is missing. Natural, interpersonal sympathy and openness disappear behind social walls and breathing masks. The fear of infection is stirred up. Irrational thoughts haunt the consciousness and cause insecurity, stress and emotional upset.
This withdrawal of love on a subconscious level gives rise to thoughts and feelings of banishment and loneliness. Criminals used to be banished from the community, which meant death. Isolation in solitary cells in prison is also an act of punishment. Isolation is mental torture. We need social interaction. Community with other people means participation in life. It also means taking on tasks within the community, having a meaning in life and feeling valuable. In isolation there is no meaning, no tasks, no appreciation. Isolation is death. Isolation is the highest punishment. Isolation is mental torture.
Unfortunately, there are many people today who are socially isolated. Friends are missing. Family is missing. The state of health may have an isolating effect because one cannot get out. And these people suffer particularly badly. They feel excluded from life. They get anxious. They suffer from the senselessness of their existence. They have no purpose. The normal structure of everyday life is broken down. Depressive moods set in. The thought carousel is in full swing. The psychosomatic symptoms are getting worse. Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, insomnia, dizziness, massive agitation. Who can help me now? Am I sick? Am I going to die? Am I having a heart attack? I can’t stand it anymore! I’m going mad!
Even healthy people can develop such strong, psychosomatic symptoms in such a situation within a few weeks or days that they can fall seriously ill and even die from it. And all because of the unnatural social isolation.
Therefore, as a naturopath for psychotherapy, I would like to call on everyone to be more human with each other.
Even while maintaining current protective measures, one can talk to each other, laugh, exchange ideas, do something, etc. In the neighbourhood you can check that everyone remains mentally healthy. In the family and among friends one should keep in touch right now, even if it is only via Skype. And after the crisis we should consciously integrate all single people into the social community, invite them to barbecue, go for walks together, have a coffee and other things.
If we all take more care of each other, we will give each other more meaning, more joy of life, more happiness. Then we all feel better.
Courage for humanity – against the social coldness.
In practical terms, it makes sense to get organized, for example on Facebook, to reintegrate isolated people into social interaction. In local groups you can plan events or formulate offers for joint activities. Talking to each other is already the first step against isolation. Many things are possible. Many things are also easy to realize.
I wish all lonely people, especially during this time, to find their way back into social life, to regain joy of life and meaning.
Ray del Sole
Naturopath for psychotherapy

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