A few words about the evil in the world
The destructive, negative or so-called evil is in its purest form just a principle of creation, – the opposite of the constructive, positive principle or so-called good. Creation is based on polarity. Without polarity no creation. When the mental principles appear in a human form then they show their well-known facets. Altruism, mercy, love, compassion versus selfishness, hate, aggression and intolerance, – for example.
We human beings have the choice how we want to behave, – in a positive, good way or in a negative, evil way. It is interesting to observe how we deal with this choice. In fact we are often not aware that there is a choice at all. The human logic works in a different way. Let´s take an example. Imagine you are a big fishing company and you know that overfishing is very bad with long term problems but according to your human logic you think “If I do not use my chance to get as much fish as possible without any ethic limitations someone else will do so. Due to this I “have” to exploit the fish stocks to maximum degree.” This is human logic and you know where it leads to. There is no one today who says “Oh, I take just as much fish as I need for food or to sell on the market to sustain my life. So my fellow beings will have enough to eat and to live too.”
As you see and experience daily, human logic is quite dangerous and drives to the abyss. We must become aware again that we have the choice between good and bad, that we are not slaves of the evil principle and that we do not need to follow it.
One of my favorite sayings is “Eat shit! Millions of flies can´t go wrong!” This means people have a strong tendency to follow the masses, the majority without thinking, without questioning if the direction is right. This is really unhealthy. This is unhealthy for all aspects of life, – political, economic, social, religious, etc. We take away our right to make own decisions, to bear own responsibility, to manifest our own wished for future.
God has gifted human beings with a free will so that everyone can behave good or bad and can make positive and negative experiences. This is a God-given right and has to be respected. But (!) no one says that we have to bear and tolerate evil behavior which causes suffering and great damages. In fact we are called to show this evil person his limits and we have to care for justice and compensation. Justice and balance are divine principles which have to be regarded and which control good and evil.
When we wish for a good life in balance, abundance and happiness then we have to make the choice for the positive principle and the principle of justice. We have to vote against the negative principle. We have to vote against stupid selfishness, short term profit and the distorted understanding of how creation works.
We have to serve the light to unarm the darkness.
False tolerance brings us nearer to the abyss. Blind following of the evil elite does not release us from responsibility. And in the end the abyss is waiting for all of us. Evil is luxury which makes us pay an enormous price.
Think about it.
Reply by N.:
In this world even when your heart is set on the positive and you do the right thing, bad things happen to you. Good people who resist the system suffer as if they’d committed the worse crimes whereas evil people thrive. Bankers who caused the economic meltdown won’t face any charges and continue to live the high life, earning fat bonuses while many continue to lose their house, livelihood etc… Good people get shot while watching a movie.
It feels like evil has the upper hand no matter what you do. Krishha, Buddha and Jesus gave us an alternative to evil to no avail. No wonder people follow evil because in this world that’s how you survive and even get ahead.
Answer by Ray:
Hi N.,
you are completely right. Evil behavior means success and wealth today. On the other hand we know that it is not right and not good. And one day we have to take the responsibility – at the latest when we have left this world and talk with our spiritual guide and maybe with a judge from Saturn sphere. They probably tell you that you are right, that it is hard on earth but that it is the challenge to keep up the light under dark conditions. And you know that they are right and that you had enough choices in life to behave good.
So everyone can behave in a positive way as far as it is feasible for him. You can be good to your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, etc. You can engage yourself in positive, altruistic movements. You can do something to make the world a better place. You can become an example for others. And with this you change the world.
We are asked to do what is possible, not more. And we should not give up. We have to work for what we believe in.
There are a lot of people with a good heart who just need some encouragement and maybe some impulses for action and guidance. But then you can do a lot. It can all start with a community in your neighborhood where people meet to help each other. And thanks to the internet you can multiply such examples of neighbor communities.
If everyone does a little bit, then in sum big things can happen.