Different realities

It seems that we live in one reality, which we all share. But this is only one part of the truth. The other part is that everyone of us lives at the same time in his own reality, in his own small world. Macrocosm and microcosm. The own small world is like a sphere in certain colors and so you perceive the big world through these colors, your colors. It is like wearing sunglasses, in yellow, orange, black, blue, etc. So, for example, if you wear blue sunglasses and I wear orange glasses, then we have a different perception of the same object or situation in the big world, the one reality.

A nice example is to compare the perception of an atheist with the perception of a theist. Both live in the same world, the same big reality but both wear different glasses. When the theist walks through the world then he sees everywhere the wonders of God´s creation, the evidence that God has created the world. When the atheist walks through the world, then he is fascinated how everything has developed by blind coincidence. In the end both are happy with their perception of reality.

A problem occurs only when both meet, trying to convince each other from their own belief or perception of the world. The theist cannot live without the Divine Spirit in creation and the atheist cannot grasp the idea of a superior intelligence in charge of creation. Here we see different needs, a different attitude, differences in nature. You cannot force the theist to atheism and the atheist to believe in God. The key for changes is personal experience and with this, changes in perception and understanding. And even this causes problems as the atheist will understand all phenomena according to his atheistic belief. So even if the atheist has a vision of God or of angels, he will believe that he is hallucinating. This means, that an extraordinary experience is necessary for changes in the personal worldview, philosophy or own reality.

Let´s take a different example. Imagine three persons discussing a topic. While one person has the focus on the primary goal, the second person just wants to go home, and the third person is emotionally upset because of the financial aspect of the topic. Three different realities, three different goals, and certainly no positive result in the discussion. In the end, this shows how important it is to understand the reality of other people in which they dwell at the moment. And if necessary, to pull them into one common reality for real cooperation.

Another, fascinating example: Today there are a lot of people lost in their own reality while they are not aware about the big one, the big world. In most cases the reason is the use of their smartphones, texting messages while walking through crowded cities, or their minds are full of thoughts, processing problems, being not aware that they have a wonderful walk in nature or that there is beauty around them. Clouded minds cannot see much.

For me, this is amazing because I enjoy walking in nature, I enjoy watching people and buildings in the cities. I perceive everything while others are with me but in remote realities of problems, WhatsApp and Facebook. One could say that they are masters of meditation, able to hide from the present world reality. But unfortunately, this is not a useful, positive form of meditation.

In conclusion, when you meet someone for a conversation, check first in which reality he is and then try to find a way to share the same reality for a good conversation. And if you like, you could ask why he is in this or that reality. What are the reasons? This will let you grow in understanding and wisdom.